By Pass Nozzles

The BPS nozzles produce variable orifice flow rates by by-passing fluid from the nozzle swirl chamber. The orifice flow is regulated by controlling the by-pass line pressure.
The nozzle tip and disc are made of the same heat resisting, high chrome grade of stainless steel used in our simplex or regular domestic oil burner nozzles. The combination locknut-strainer support is made of brass with a Monel strainer screen and a Viton „O“ ring. Nozzle adaptors (bodies) and fittings are made of brass. Nozzles in all sizes are furnished only with strainers, 120 mesh Monel up to and including 13.50 GPH and 80 mesh on larger sizes.
The BPS nozzles are designed and tested for operation at 100 psi. on #2 fuel oil, with the capacity and spray angle stamped on the nozzles at these conditions. Both the capacity and spray angle rating are based on having the by-pass line closed. Spray angle widens 5°-10° with the by-pass wide open.
H-730-C By Pass Nozzle Adaptor
Product ID: H-730-C